7. Bigger Can Be Better

art, mural, small space, small space living, desk, office, small room

Source: Refinery29

You don’t always have to settle for tiny or “space saving” furniture. Having a larger focal piece draws your eye to one section of the room, and distract from the actual size of the area.

8. Be Transparent

small space, small space living, small bathroom, shower, shower curtain, small room

Source: BuzzFeed

Having a glass shower is ideal for making your bathroom look and feel larger, but if it’s out of your budget range, then opt for a clear shower curtain. And pro tip here: some plants thrive in a humid environment. You can put these plants in your bathroom window to brighten it up, and to make use of your shower condensation.

9. Utilize Your Corners

small space, small space living, corner shelves, bookshelves, small room

Source: Truly Lovely Life

Corner shelves are a great way to make use of the dead space in a hall or cramped dining room. Use your new shelves as a display for your travel knick-knacks, or pictures of your family and friends.